Mapping out the Blockchain ecosystem in Germany in 2017

Federico Wengi
Published in
3 min readSep 4, 2017


Arguably Bitcoin and Blockchain might be about to / have already reached their escape velocity point. Or they are approaching the point where the bubble burst. I don´t know and I cannot predict that, but for sure the interest around this technology has become too big to ignore for everyone.

Source: Coindesk,,

Therefore, I thought it is now a good point in time to try to map out the German Blockchain ecosystem.

Compiling the map I noticed the following:

a) the ecosystem in Germany is not that big yet. I counted about ~30 Blockchain startups in Germany with an active website and product. As a quick measuring stick I ran a search on for London and NY. Both city-ecosystems are notably (2x-3x) bigger than Germany as a whole

b) Energy applications are in a more advanced stage than I thought. Energy company giant Innogy is involved in Share&Charge and Conjoule

c) some good projects have a relevant portion of employees in Germany but HQ somewhere else: Monax, Tendermint, Gnosis

With the first map I took a look at existing blockchain projects. Additionally, I wanted to try to gauge the level of interest and participation in the blockchain community. To do so I looked at Meetup data.

Worldwide some 520k people are registered to some 2k Bitcoin Meetup

In Germany 26k people (5% of the world Meetup population) go to 120 Bitcoin Meetup.

While there is no German Meetup in the Top10 worldwide of Bitcoin Meetups it seems to me that the activity rate is pretty high. Therefore, I deep-dived in the Meetup data and mapped out the most important Bitcoin/Blockchain meetups in Germany.

Not in the map because of cut-off rule but also worth mentioning is the Cryptotrading and investing Meetup.

If you are an entrepreneur in Europe or in Germany and if you are building something around Blockchain I would love to talk ->

If the maps I put together are somehow useful to you please consider liking/ clapping your hands for this article!

>>>Thank you Björn, Radko, Alex, Philip, Mark and Joachim for the super useful feedback



Federico Wengi

Early stage tech VC at SquareOne VC. Tech and Food enthusiast. Europe's Citizen. FC Internazionale fan.